Easter is just around the corner, so it’s time to start planning your nail art and trying not to eat all the eggs you bought (what, you don’t plan your nail art?! And don’t tell me you aren’t secretly eating all the eggs stashed in the closet).
This nail art design is courtesy of celebrity manicurist Yuko Wada. The design is pretty tricky – it requires time, a steady hand, and an array of tools (striper, dotters, toothpick, and a few different colors). The difficulty level is 4-and-a-half easter eggs – four for trickiness, and an extra half for the time required.
Step one: Start with a pastel blue base
Step two: Using your striper, do a thin stripe of cream at the tip and a thicker stripe at the base
Step three: Changing colours to a khaki green, do a thin stripe below the first thin stripe, and a thicker stripe inside the first thicker stripe
Step four: Grab your dotter tool and do three purple dots across the tip, and purple dots above and below the thick stripe. Next, do three lots of five purple dots to make flowers inside your thick stripe. Grab some yellow on your dotter to do the centre of the flowers.
Step five: Using your biggest dotter, do a large white dot in the middle of the nail for your bunny’s head. Use a striper to create the ears.
Step six: Using a toothpick or a very small dotter, do two small blue eyes on your bunny.
Step seven: Finish off with some green on your striper, and do four little squiggly patches of grass beside the bunny