Often times when a guy is finishing up those last details of getting a manicure, a question comes up from the nail technician that can throw some guys for a loop if they’re not prepared for it: “Would you like clear polish?” For most falling under the “macho” men classification, the answer is usually a quick “no.” Or you may smile, perhaps even consider it for a second, but then decline. Clear polish is obnoxiously shiny and only women get polish on their nails…right?
It’s no secret that adding a topcoat to you manicure and pedicure can lengthen its longevity and better protect your nails from getting chipped, avoiding that jagged edge that snags on your socks when you’re pulling them up, which we guys just love. It also improves nails’ luster, making duller colorless nails look healthier and stronger. It’s understandable that men shy from the shine, and nail care companies have started to take notice. EvolutionMan, an LA-based collection of men’s grooming products, offers a quick-dry Pure Matte Nail Varnish that both seals your mani/pedi and leaves your nails sans the shimmering finish. And at $14 a bottle, it’s nothing that will break your bank either.
Even companies who specialize in regular color polish usually marketed towards women are jumping on the male grooming bandwagon. Orly has seen a 20 percent increase in sales for their Nails For Males Finisher, despite its fluorescent purple cap. This $10 polish leaves a semi-visible finish, noticeable yet still abundantly flatter than the average clear polish. Orly has also said that they are working to expand their men’s nail care line due to the increased interest.
Clear polishes like these are great alternatives to the salon’s usual glossy option and there is zero shame in bringing your own personal selection of polish with you and asking if they could apply that one at the end instead. Just make sure to be nice when you tip
Be sure to check back here regularly for more reviews and tips on how guys are NAILING IT when it comes to their grooming!