If you have ever searched Youtube for a nail art tutorial, there is little doubt you have come across Totally Cool Nails, the channel of Catherine Rodgers. With over 17 million views and 200,000 subscribers, her videos are popular because they are short, clear, and easy to follow. After releasing her first book, called DIY Nail Art: Easy, Step-by-Step Instructions for 75 Creative Nail Art Designs, in January 2013, Catherine is back with a new book of nail art for kids, called Totally Cool Nails. The book is bright, colorful, and a worthy addition to any nail enthusiasts book shelf. Not only would it be a great gift for the tween and teen girls in your life (book + three polishes + dotter tools = best gift ever) but this is just as great for adults as it is kids. We got the chance to catch up with Catherine and get the scoop on the new title.
What inspired you to take your designs and tutorials offline and out them into book form?
I never thought at the time to do a nail art book really. Adams Media came to me with the proposal, it was such an amazing opportunity and I’m so glad they did!
After the success of your first book, why nail art for kids this time?
Again, Adams Media contacted me to do a second book, this time for kids! It was unbelievable to do the first book, DIY Nail Art, and of course I wanted to do a second, I had a lot more fun with that one!
For kids just starting to get into nail art, what are the basic tools every kid should have at home?
Dotting tools definitely. A lot of the designs featured in the book use dotting tools, and dotting tools can be used for drawing as well. Plus they are really inexpensive!
We know the book says ‘for kids’ but all of these designs are totally cool for adults! Which design is your favorite? (and don’t say you don’t have a favourite, because surely you do!)
That’s a hard choice I love so many of them! But if I have to choose I would say the Frankenstein Nails. It’s so cute and fun plus I love Halloween!
Finally, what are you wearing on your nails *right now*?
They are actually bare! I’m about to record a St. Patrick’s Day nail design for my channel which is also featured in the book!
Totally Cool Nails: 50 Fun and Easy Nail Art Designs for Kids is out now and available on amazon.com